Terms of Service
1. Ordering.
You order by filling out the formula in the cart with the relevant informations.
It is possible to pay via bank transfer. Information about our bank account, is send by email, when you have confirmed your order. (Incl. information about SWIFT-code and IBAN Account no., so the transfer can be done from abroad.) Via paypal you can pay with Visa card, Mastercard, Discovery or American Express. The card information is transfert crypted. KnitByHeart do not recieve any card information, as this information is handled only by Paypal. Paypal is free of charge for the customer.
2. Prices
All the prices include 25 % Danish VAT. If you order from a country outside the EU, you don’t pay the Danish VAT and thereby you get 20 % discount. (If you log on as a member and are resident outside the EU countries, the prices are shown without Danish VAT)
123knit.dk make reservation for: Increases of prices, force majeure, changes of taxes, sold outs and misprints.
3. Shipping
KnitByHeart deliver worldwide. Shipping is charged by weight and destination and the total price is shown when charged. Our standard shipping carrier is Post Nord. If you are resident in Denmark (not included Greenland and the Foroe Islands), the shipping is free of charge, if you order for minimum 250 DKK.
Orders for Norway can be divided into smaller parces agains additions payment.
Most patterns will be send as pdf-files by email, and you will not be charged for shipping. If it is a book or a leaflet, you will be charged for the shipping.Your order will be confirmed by email. Your order will be shipped in 1-2 days. When the order is shipped you will recieve an email. If the order is delayed, you will recieve an email as well.
You can allways see the current status of your order on your account in the shop.
4. Complaints
If the goods are defect or there has been an error in the delivery, the shop must be informed within 14 days. If the goods are damaged under transport, the customer must informe the firm, who is in charged of the delivery, immediately.
5. Right of return
If you regret your order, you can email the shop at info@knitbyheart.dk. Please tell us if you want your order cancelled or changed. Please inform about your ordering number. Cancelling or change of order is free of charge, if you inform us before the goods are shippped.
If you regret your order, after the order is shipped, you can return the goods undamaged whithin 14 days after the order is recieved (If the goods are damaged, without the damaging is a result of negligence or lack of care, you keep your right of return). However, you have to pay the return shipping. Goods that are returned whitout postage, will not be recieved.
Shop name and adress:
Greve Strandvej 89
2670 Greve, Denmark
+45 40 61 40 84
Cvr: 43 40 92 12